July is coming to the end, and that means half of the summer months are already behind us. Holidaying, sunny weather, and time spent in the fresh air are only parts of what makes a wonderful summer. To my surprise (and to most of Britain, as a matter of fact) the weather in England has been exceptional and has been for the last few weeks. Even though I have spent most of that time in the office and caught only snatches of the sunshine while on my lunch break, sipping passion fruit flavour ice tea from a plastic cup (a secret recipe from the sales assistant at the Starbucks in my building) spending those short hours reading everything I can.


source - pinterest
Holidays – one word, but it brings up so many thoughts and feelings. The sun, sandy beaches, the sound of the sea and sand between our toes… who could want anything more? But beautiful weather is just half of what makes a good summer. The second half? Having a good time on our holidays! I’ve prepared few outfits for you that would be ideal for a hot day. When it is boiling outside, remember to avoid wearing dresses or tops made out of synthetic materials (especially polyester). They don’t moderate the heat very well, which gets you hot and bothered as well as stopping your skin from breathing naturally. I hope that that my suggestions will be useful for you! :)


Top and blazer // Bluzka i marynarka - Zara
Bag and shoes // Torebka i buty - Zara
Jeans // jeansy - Cos

A minimalistic outfit is definitely a safe option. When combined with the knowledge of the main rules concerning how to match the parts of the wardrobe correctly, the possibility of a “faux pas” decreases to a minimum. Many people say that minimalism is boring; that it’s bland and has no character to it. Having few accessories and playing with fabrics, cuts and colours might appear unattractive, but it is obvious minimalistic outfits have something classical about them. Parisian chic - which is a much talked about subject in blogger-circles and general discourse on trends - is based on minimalism. We would do well to remember that we do not have to blindly follow the most popular trends as and when they appear; it is up to us to decide on what we are going to wear. As such, we are free to create a minimalistic dress that reflects on our polished inner selves.

I am a fan of minimalism myself. Therefore, I am not a fan of too much jewellery hanging around my ears, neck or on my hands, and motley outfits. But I do love colours, and I am trying to add them to my daily style in the form of a blazer, trousers, bag or shoes. The whole outfit changes its character with added colours, and gives off a wholly new tone. Today’s outfit is my daily one, but a more casual version for a more intensive day. And as always, I aimed for an outfit that was both attractive and comfortable! :)

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Minimalistyczne stylizacje to przede wszystkim bezpieczne podejście do tematu. Przy kilku podstawowych zasadach dotyczących prawidłowego łączenia elementów, prawdopodobieństwo popełnienia tak zwanego „faux pas” jest minimalne. Dla wielu minimalizm w strojach jest nudny, bez charakteru i mdły. Powściągliwość do nadmiernej ilości akcesoriów czy „bawienia sie” fabrykami, krojami oraz kolorami może wydać się mało atrakcyjne, ale z całą pewnością minimalistyczne stroje mają w sobie coś klasycznego. Paryski szyk, który od kilku lat bryluje na salonach i ma w sobie miłośniczki w postaci blogerek, oraz całej rzeszy kobiet, które pragną aby ich stroje były eleganckie, szykowne i klasyczne, opiera się właśnie na minimalizmie. Pamiętajmy jednak, że nie musimy ślepo podążać za wyznacznikami wykreowanymi w świecie mody. To od nas samych zależy, jak będziemy ubrane a zasadę minimalizmu możemy udoskonalić w zgodzie z własną naturą. 

Sama jestem fanką minimalizmu i nie lubię przesadnej biżuterii, ani zbyt pstrokatych strojów. Niemniej jednak lubię kolory i staram się dodawać je do swoich stylizacji w postaci marynarki, spodni, torebki czy butów. Stylizacja nabiera wtedy całkiem innego charakteru a kolory tylko ożywiają całość. Dzisiejszy strój to moje codzienne rozwiązanie na luźniejszy acz intensywny dzień. Starając się dobrać wszystkie elementy tak abym mogła czuć się dobrze, ale swobodnie :)

" Minimalistic style does not have
to be black and white "

Photos by Felix Klugman  


Photography by Terence Donovan

Summer in the big city can sometimes be difficult. Most of us dream about holidays, relaxation and escape from our day-to-day routine, but with our work commitments, we often have to plan our holidays down to the exact day. How do we then make the best of two months of summer and good weather? (Well, perhaps in London’s case it’s just two months of summer…)

I’ve written up a list of a few attractions for you; places and events that I think are well worth a visit during your summer break. Who knows - maybe they’ll become your getaway during your weekends and evenings after work :).


Six days ago one of the most beautiful fashion shows took place. This spectacular presentation during the haute couture fashion show of the Italian fashion house – Fendi, took place in the scenery of Trevi Fountain in Rome. Undoubtedly it is one of the most beautiful and one of the most impressive Italian’s buildings. It seems that the fairy-tale style location has only warmed up the atmosphere of that fashion show which the same has celebrated the 90th anniversary of Fendi.


Coco Chanel used to say; Elegance in dress is the freedom of movement”. As I grow older, and balance the creation of my own unique style with the fast-paced ways of London-life, I am starting to understand what she meant. The times of dignified woman in elegant two-piece-dresses and hats festooned with strings of pearls may be gone, but that is not to say that the classic sense of elegance is gone too. Perhaps it is that it simply looks different now, and that is why the meaning behind Chanel’s thought may not be as obvious now.


Holidays in Poland resulted in some of the new in within the beauty and books sectors. I don’t have the clue for it, but I have realised that lately I have been focusing more on good cosmetics and widening my horizons in the area of intellect rather than fashion. Considering the fact that my wardrobe will not stretch with the amount of new clothes and the space is decreasing instead of increasing, it appears to be logical :). Still no matter what, the cosmetics I have bought recently have already matched my expectations, so I have decided to share my experience with you. Maybe there will be something that you have been trying to find for a long time? :)


Every field of work has its own dress code that all its employees have to follow. The formality of our dress depends on our field. Summer is exceptionally difficult time of the year for those who have a strict business dress code. But does formal have to mean boring?
How creative we can get with stylish business wear might be limited by where you work. But it doesn’t mean that say, being a lawyer, for example, that you have to wear white fitted shirt, perfectly catted skirt and a blazer with the fit (of course I do realise that there are certain firms that highlight the importance of the dress code by giving their employee uniform.


June is probably one of the most beautiful months of the year. Summer weather, nature shouting to us from every side presenting the most beautiful and cherished gifts in the presence of blooming flowers and trees. My favourite aspect of June are strawberries! Cakes, strawberry desserts or homemade cocktails which I never have enough of. It is also a month of weddings (I had a chance to attend one :)). Nevertheless, this wonderful month has come to an end (and alongside my holidays which I had a chance to spent in Poland, has finished), so I would like to invite you for some of the pictures I had taken during this last couple of weeks. 


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