Another year comes to an end. It's hard to believe how fast time flies, but at the same time I am delighted that this is the second time that I can share with you sum up of these past twelve months. I have prepared for you subjectively selected 24 outfits that most appealed to me!

I will not write endlessly, so at this point I would like to first of all thank you for this past year, for your presence, great support and motivation that you gave me. You don’t know how glad I am that what I write and what it is here that I share with you, is for you some sort of inspiration and a source of trivia that you want to read. Before the 2017 arrives I would like to wish you lots of love, joy, and perseverance in the pursuit of the goal. Remember, it's great determination, hard work and the magnitude of faith that leads us to assigned goals. To myself I would like to wish to always have such wonderful followers like you, and have more and more of new ones to join me!


There is less time to New Year’s Eve with every minute, so this is the last moment to look for something nice to wear. The choice is difficult, because as from thousands of products available in stores how to create something coherent? Those of you who already have a costume in the closet, or had time to buy something before, can now breathe a sigh of relief! :) For those of you who frantically searches the cabinet (in the hope of finding something worthy of this special occasion), websites or shops, I have prepared for you few outfit ideas that I hope will be useful for you.

When the dress is already selected, all that remains will be just to enjoy the one and unique night in the countdown of the coming New Year! Thus, I would like to wish you a great night!

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Czasu do sylwestra zostało już coraz mniej, dlatego to ostatni dzwonek, aby jeszcze upolować dla siebie jakąś kreację. Wybór jest trudny, bo przecież jak spośród tysięcy produktów dostępnych w sklepach stworzyć coś spójnego? Te z Was, które mają już strój w szafie, albo zdążyły kupić coś wcześniej mogę teraz odetchnąć z ulgą! :) Dla tej pozostałej części, która gorączkowo przeszukuje szafę (w nadziei, że znajdzie tam coś godnego tej wyjątkowej sylwestrowej nocy), strony internetowe bądź sklepy, przygotowałam dla was kilka propozycji, które mam nadzieję okażą się dla Was pomocne.

Kiedy strój będzie już wybrany, pozostanie tylko cieszyć się tą jedyną oraz wyjątkową nocą w odliczaniu nadchodzącego Nowego Roku! Tym samym chciałabym wam życzyć szampańskiej zabawy do białego rana!


Dopiero była wigilia a już mamy drugi dzień świąt, aczkolwiek ja wraz z moją rodziną nadal świętujemy. Drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w Anglii przebiega pod znakiem szału zakupowego z okazji największych wyprzedaży w ciągu roku, które właśnie rozpoczynają się 26 grudnia. Nasz plan na dzisiejszy dzień to jednak wspólny czas spędzony na spacerze po zimowym miasteczku, oraz długie rozmowy.

Chciałabym w tym miejscu również przesłać wam najserdeczniejsze życzenia, zdrowia, pomyślności oraz dużo rodzinnego ciepła oraz wspaniałego czasu spędzonego w gronie najbliższych oraz przyjaciół.




The magic of Christmas simply floats in the air. In many houses Christmas trees are already decorated, Christmas songs are playing from the speakers, and in the oven homemade gingerbread are being baked. Christmas Eve is in a few days and list of things to-do goes on and on. Every year I tell myself that this time I'll prepare everything very early to be able to joyfully enjoy this magical time. I must admit that this year it went exceptionally smoothly and although there is still a lot of things to do in front of me, the most important points from the list have been checked off.


December is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful months of the year. The period of preparation for the Christmas time, baking gingerbread, decorating Christmas tree and priceless time spent with family and friends. But there are many possibilities, which will help us take even more of that time. I know that in many places where you live the white fluff commonly known as snow had a chance to appear (I still firmly believe that it will snow in London this year) so you probably do not need anything more to boost your happiness. However, as in every new season, I prepared for you a small cultural guide which I sincerely would like to invite you to! :)


Christmas is rapidly approaching. We have less than two weeks to the time when in the company of our family and friends will sit by the Christmas table. But before that happens, we need to properly prepare and by this I mean buying presents. I know that this is probably one of those things that many of you would like to get around with because of the trouble which we have to face when choosing gifts for our loved ones. On the other hand, I think that's probably better to do it as soon as possible and then only in the company of holiday songs wait for the Christmas Eve. This is primarily a time for family warmth and joint discussions so let's not make the gifts of priority without which Christmas will not be held :).

For those of you who are still struggling with the choice, I prepared a small "crib sheet", which I hope will help you with shopping! :)


December is a specific month which unwittingly puts me in this magical time. When I match it with my nature of celebrating moments including those that are part of my daily routine, they get a new meaning and the same even those little things seems to be something special. Why instead of a feast with a cup of delicious coffee enjoying its taste and smell I should drink it on the go? Why while reading the book I should not sit in front of the fireplace covered in the blanket with a cup of hot tea in my hand and maybe even light up the candles that will drive my mind and my body into this state of full relaxation? There are two types of things in our life – those important one and those even more important. Time that we dedicate to ourselves is definitely in the section of more important! :)


High boots styled with skirt or dress have recently become my favourite set. A year ago trousers were the best solution for every situation, but I noticed recently that with every year more and more frequently I reach for dresses. In today's outfit, I tried to dress up according to the time of year to keep myself warm, but the same have that classic and elegant look. Beige coat is by far the most powerful accent throughout this styling because of its bright colour. I am sure that you will discover many other faces of this coat in this season as so far it is my favourite item this year!


Hello on this second day of December. As it happens every month I have prepared for you a short summary of last month. How did I spend those past weeks? Well, a number of deadlines at university did give me too much of a spare time, however I have managed to do a weekend gateway when I visited my parents. I also attended Boohoo’s press day and saw Christmas light on Oxford Street! :)

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Witajcie kochani w ten drugi dzień grudnia. Jak co miesiąc przygotowałam dla was małe zestawienie zdjęć z zeszłego miesiąca. Jak minęły mi te ostatnie tygodnie? Cóż, natłok zajęć na uczelni oraz goniących terminów prac do oddania nie dał mi zbyt dużego pola do popisu. Niemniej jednak udało mi się znaleźć chwilę wolnego czas, w którym udałam się do moich rodziców, uczestniczyłam w prezentacji kolekcji na sezon wiosna/lato marki Boohoo no i zobaczyłam świąteczne dekoracje na Oxford Street! :) 


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